Killzone 2 is another reason why you should love First-Person Shooters, the graphics, gameplay and story is to die for, but mainly the graphics, its just TOO good, plain and simple.
I plan on getting this soon, so I can jam with my friends, but from the demo, it simply plays like a true Game of the Year game, it has the potential to be one too, for 2009, their is quite a few more games to be released during the year, and those will be a sure contender for GOTW, but from what I've played since 2009, it looks like Killzone 2 has taken an early lead in the GOTW department.
I suggest you pick this up, don't worry, you won't worry, you won't regret it.
Oh yeah, one thing left to say before I end this entry:
The Game Of The Year Award 2009 will take place: Dec 2009 - Jan 2010
It will not cover all the genres, but the genres, I have played, like... Action Adventure, Sport Game and a few others.
Until than, I will wait for the games, I am anticipating for 2009, like inFamous, Prototype, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Alpha Protocol and a heck load of more games.
- Calvin
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