Wednesday, December 30, 2009
More reviews of Angelus #1
Comic Collector Live gives it 4 out of 5 stars. Read the review at this site:
This next one isn't unfamiliar... *grins* it's Broken Frontier:
Still don't have gotten a copy of it myself... :((
Saturday, December 26, 2009
New Angelus #2 Release Date
Angelus #2 of 6:
Guest Appearance by The Darkness! Danielle Baptiste, the newest bearer of The Angelus, begins to explore what this new role means for her, learning what The Angelus truly is, and how it ties into our notions of angels and even Heaven itself. But as she uncovers these truths, Dani begins to realize she might have surrended any control she has over her own life. AVAILABLE JANUARY 13TH 2010
Angelus Goes Solo
Marz knows a thing or two about creating sympathetic characters discovering the wonder and danger of the world around them, and their place in it. His work on DC's Green Lantern in the 1990s brought a new energy (and ring bearer in Kyle Rayner) to the series, while recently he's turned his eye towards building a shared universe with Top Cow, with whom he has signed an exclusive contract.
After the War of the Witchblades storyline which saw original 'Blade bearer, cop Sara Pezzini battle it out with young dancer Dani Baptiste. The climax saw Dani give her half of the Witchblade gauntlet back to Sara. However Dani is not free of mystical powers of her own, thanks to now becoming the new host for the Angelus entity. Marz and his fellow Witchblade collaboartor, artist Stjepan Sejic details Dani's story in the new six issue mini-series, Angelus.
BROKEN FRONTIER: Any chance of more Dragon Prince stories, or new creator owned work?
RON MARZ: We're looking at getting the Dragon Prince collected edition into stories in 2010, so assuming that goes as planned, we'll have a new stories in the collection. Beyond that, Pantheon City, by me and Clement Sauve, should finally come out from Dark Horse next year. Lee Moder and I also have a new project called Shinku that we're working on. It's a modern vampire story -- no sparkling, no longing gazes -- that we plan on debuting next year as well. And the third volume of Samurai: Heaven and Earth is always on the back burner, waiting for Luke Ross to have time to draw it.
BF: When you came on board with Top Cow you were building a universe on an existing foundation, so did that make things easier than starting from scratch?
RM: Not really easier, just different. Starting from scratch is fun because you can just create from whole cloth, and you're not tied to anything that's come before. You're starting with a complete blank slate. That said, tinkering with the Top Cow universe is great, because while there were certain elements in place, a lot was left open. So I came in and tried to find the natural connections between the concepts and characters. The Top Cow universe is small enough -- compared to the Marvel U or DCU -- that it's much easier to get a handle on it. The whole trick is building a mythology the supports the kind of stories we want to tell, but doesn't become so complex that it becomes a barrier to new readers.
BF: Is it difficult juggling the drama of Witchblade along with the action and supernatural elements, and does each issue need all three?
RM: Maybe not each and every issue, but in general, you want to have a balance. One of the things that really attracts me to Witchblade is the opportunity to tell different kinds of stories -- supernatural, crime, relationship drama. It's not just the same thing over and over.
BF: Are you happy with the way you've brought The Darkness and Angelus into focus? It's no longer just the Witchblade that's getting all the attention.
RM: The success of the Darkness is all about what Phil Hester and his artists have done. The Angelus concept is something I've wanted to expand upon for a while, which is why we put a long-term plan into place to make it more viable. The Darkness and Witchblade are kind of the twin pillars that support the modern Top Cow universe. It would be great to see the Angelus eventually join them.
BF: What will the Angelus mini-series allow you to do that you couldn't do in Witchblade?
RM: As long as Dani was in Witchblade, she was sharing the spotlight with Sara. Giving Dani her own series allows me to completely concentrate on her and the Angelus concept, and build both of them into viable entities. One of the reasons I moved Dani back to New Orleans is that I wanted to give Dani a new life, so readers could plug into her story on the ground floor. As she grows into the role of the Angelus, the readers can grow with her.
BF: Stjepan Sejic's along for the ride. How much do you two converse when creating a design for a new character or artifact?
RM: Pretty regularly, sometimes daily. Instant Messaging is a wonderful thing, especially when one of us is in New York and the other is in Croatia. Stjepan is so fast that we can kick around ideas or character designs, and a few hours later he sends me a bunch of sketches. He's a great collaborator because his mind is always turning over story ideas and concepts.
BF: Are you glad that War of the Witchblades has finally finished and you don't have to keep secrets anymore?
RM: Just Christmas secrets. I can handle that.
BF: With your Green Lantern work and your current Top Cow projects there seems to be a theme of ordinary people wielding great objects of power and coming to terms with that. Is that a theme that intrigues you?
RM: Absolutely. As both a reader and a writer, I'm much more drawn to stories of ordinary people in extradordinary circumstances. It's the difference between Cary Grant in North by Northwest -- just a regular guy who gets in over his head -- and somebody like Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, who's an expert in damn near everything. For my tastes, I'm more entertained by a character who is human and fallible and rises to a challenge, rather than a character who is completely equipped to deal with that challenge.
Angelus #1 is out now from Top Cow and #2 is released on January 13.
(A new picture of Angelus #1)

Friday, December 25, 2009
Spoilers for Angelus #1
I tried to put up a wrap text so you have to highlight it to find out, but it didn't work, so if you don't wanna know about the content of Angelus #1, then ignore this post.
The issue opens up with Sabine briefing some subordinates about Dani as the new Angelus. Since Dani retains her free will, Sabine views her as a threat and they plot to take her down. Sabine orders three of the Angelus Warriors t0 retrieve an object for her that is presently in Hell. At the gates of Hell, the Angelus Warriors manage to kill the three headed beast/guard, and the three proceed to retrieve the item.
Meanwhile, Dani and Finch are moving into a new apartment in the attic of a house in New Orleans. The land lady pretty much interrogates them as they unpack their boxes and conveniently give the new readers a quick Dani/Finch brush up.
Dani feels like her whole life is now upside down as the host for the Angelus but also unsure of her relationship with Finch. To cheer her up, Finch pretty much drags Dani out of her slump and has her show around New Orleans. Later that evening, the two are about to kiss, but then a giant four headed cat/ice monster shows up. Dani goes into Angelus Mode and battles with the beast. She manages to chop off one of its four heads, but then it blasts her with an energy beam and gets the upper hand. To which Dani says: "I think maybe I liked this better than when I had the Witchblade." She manages to knock the beast off and proceeds to wrestle with it. But then the beast is killed from behind by Sabine and a group of Angelus Warriors. Dani pretty much throws a bunch of questions to them about who they are, what they are, and where they go when they are not around her. Sabine agrees to show her, and they all disappear in flash of light, (except Finch, who is left all alone). The last page is of Dani and the Angelus Warriors entering what appears to be Heaven, or Heaven looking space ship thing.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Broken Trinity: Pandora's Box #2 cover
A Cold War Heats up!
Finn and Glori, the bearers of the Glacier and Ember Stones, have discovered that a mysterious cult is after Pandora's Box, one of the 13 Artifacts. Will they be able to not kill eachother long enough to prevent the Disciples of Eden from destroying the world? Or will they revert to their destined roles?
Artifacts Massive 13 Issue Event Starting July 2010!

Artifacts: First Look FCBD 2010 Edition
(W) Ron Marz (A) Top Cow's Finest (C) StjepanSejic
Building on the success of First Born and Broken Trinity, Top Cow finally reveals the secrets of all 13 Artifacts — which include The Darkness, Witchblade, Angelus, Magdalena's Spear of Destiny, and more. Launching a massive 13-issue event beginning in July 2010, this series will literally define and redefine the nature of the Top Cow Universe! The final identity of the remaining hidden Artifacts will be revealed, characters will perish, and the very existence of the Top Cow Universe will be at stake. And it begins here!
Broken Trinity: Pandora's Box #1 Cover

here it is for all to see!
LOS ANGELES, Calif., December 22, 2009 – Top Cow Productions, Inc. proudly announced today the February-release of Broken Trinity: Pandora’s Box, a limited series dealing with the aftermath of last year’s blockbuster event, Broken Trinity, marking the beginning of the road to Artifacts.
Last year’s Broken Trinity established the Witchblade, the Darkness and the Angelus as the three primary forces, as well as Artifacts, in Top Cow’s universe. By the end of Broken Trinity, it was made known that 13 artifacts existed in the world. Broken Trinity: Pandora’s Box (#1) centers on Michael Finnegan and Glorianna Silver, the bearers of the Artifacts known as the Glacier Stone and Ember Stone, respectively, who return for a pulse-pounding, world-spanning adventure series. When a fanatic cult embarks on a quest to remake the world with the mythical Pandora’s Box, Finn and Glori’s individual goals of gathering the 13 Artifacts are kicked into overdrive.
Broken Trinity: Pandora’s Box is co-written by newcomers Rob Levin (The Darkness: Shadows and Flame, The Darkness: Butcher) and Bryan Edward Hill (Broken Trinity: Aftermath), with art from Alessandro Vitti (Secret Warriors). The six-issue mini-series will feature covers by Tommy Lee Edwards (1985).
I caved!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Broken Trinity: Pandora's Box News!
The Road to ARTIFACTS Begins Here!
Finn and Glori, the bearers of the Glacier and Ember Stones, first introduced in Broken Trinity, return this month in a pulse-pounding, world-spanning adventure series. When a fanatic cult embarks on a quest to remake the world with the mythical Pandora’s Box, Finn and Glori’s individual goals of gathering the 13 Artifacts is kicked into overdrive.
From newcomers Rob Levin (The Darkness: Butcher) and Bryan Edward Hill (Broken Trinity: Aftermath) and artist Alessandro Vitti (Secret Warriors). Featuring covers by Tommy Lee Edwards (1985)!
A Cold War Heats Up!
Finn and Glori, the bearers of the Glacier and Ember Stones, have discovered that a mysterious cult is after Pandora’s Box, one of the 13 Artifacts. Will they be able to not kill each other long enough to prevent the Disciples of Eden from destroying the world? Or will they revert to their destined roles?
From newcomers Rob Levin (The Darkness: Shadows & Flame) and Bryan Edward Hill, (Broken Trinity: Aftermath) and artist Alessandro Vitti (Secret Warriors). Featuring covers by Tommy Lee Edwards (1985)!
More news (such as previews, covers) as it breaks!
MORE Angelus #1 News
More Angelus #1 reviews flow in... AND... wait for it...
Angelus #1 is Rokk's Comic Book Revolution's Most Anticipated
Funny fact: if you click on the Read More link of that last link, it shows a PREview instead of a REview.
Happy Angelus #1 Release Day
I don't know if I can get it anywhere in the Netherlands, but this comic shop in Belgium has preorders and they don't mind shipping to the Netherlands. I preordered mine a long time ago (hehe) and hope that it will be arriving at my apartment soon.
So for the rest of the world, enjoy your Angelus #1 copy and happy holidays!!
lauraforever / Jan
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Another Angelus #1 review
Here's another Angelus #1 review!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Another Angelus #1 review... (French)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
First Angelus #1 review
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Extra Info Angelus
Written by Ron Marz (Witchblade, Magdalena) and featuring art by Stjepan Sejic (Witchblade), Angelus #1 finds Danielle Baptiste returning home to New Orleans and coming to grips with her new role as the Angelus - the human bearer of the primal force of light. To complicate matters, Dani must sort out her undefined relationship with Finch, all while maintaining control of the Angelus host who covets her power. AVAILABLE DECEMBER 9TH, 2009
Angelus #2 of 6:
Guest Appearance by The Darkness! Danielle Baptiste, the newest bearer of The Angelus, begins to explore what this new role means for her, learning what The Angelus truly is, and how it ties into our notions of angels and even Heaven itself. But as she uncovers these truths, Dani begins to realize she might have surrended any control she has over her own life. AVAILABLE JANUARY 6TH 2010
Angelus #3 of 6:
(W) Ron Marz (A) Stjepan Sejic Guest Starring by The Darkness! Since the beginning of time the Angelus has been diametrically opposed to The Darkness. But will Danielle Baptiste, the newest bearer of The Angelus, be able to choose her own path when confronted by sometimes ally Jackie Estacado, bearer of The Darkness?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
PS3 Games - Update
Games to Get:
1. God of War III - 2009 or 2010
2. Infamous - June 2009
3. Alpha Protocol - Spring or Summer 2009
4. Cipher Complex - 2009 or 2010
5. Red Faction: Guerrilla - June 2009
6. Resident Evil 6 - Unknown
7. Dante's Inferno - 2009
8. Dead Rising 2 - 2009 or 2010
9. Prototype - June 2009
10. DC Universe Online - 2009 or 2010
11. Edge of Twilight - 2009 or 2010
12. Batman: Arkham Asylum - May 2009
13. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Fall 2009
14. Dark Void - May 2009
15. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Sometime 2009
16. The Outsider - 2009
17. Ride to Hell - 2009
Games I Currently Own:
1. Saints Row 2
2. Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe
3. Resistance: Fall of Man
4. NHL 09
5. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
6. LittleBigPlanet
7. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
8. Silent Hill: Homecoming
9. Prince of Persia
10. Fallout 3
11. Skate 2
12. Socom: Confrontation
13. Call of Duty: World at War
14. Street Fighter IV
15. Resident Evil 5
- Calvin
Friday, March 13, 2009
Update on short story + Cassidy Freeman interview @ E!Online's Kristin
New story up @ LauraForever's Short Stories thread @ KryptonSite! called "He's Not You, Clark Kent"
And here's the second bit!
What would life be like for Clark Kent (Tom Welling) on Smallville if everyone knew that he is actually a Superman? What if there were a journal that held every detail about Kal-El, Krypton and Clark Kent? Well, in an upcoming episode Tess Mercer (Cassidy Freeman) discovers there is such a journal, and it's not at all clear that she can be trusted with that info...We just chatted up Cassidy about Tess' arc this season, and not only does she hold the key to Clark's secret but she's in grave danger herself and may not even be back next season...
Tess and Clark are going for a little flight, and the episode is called "Turbulence"—plane crash anyone?
Ding, ding, ding! It's me and Clark. I approach him in a very different way than Lex did; I see Clark as an opportunity for security in a way that I've never felt before. I, like everybody else, need a hero, and I'm looking to Clark for that.
Does Tess know about Clark's powers?
She knows what she's read, she's knows what she's seen, she knows what she's heard, but she wants him to trust her.
Wait, read?
Tess uncovers Lionel Luthor's diary, and she learns everything.
Clark shouldn't trust her then, right?
That's a good question. We've seen that Tess can kill people, but she's not predictable. You can't really count on her to be one way or the other, but she does things she feels she needs to, even if that means doing a really, really evil thing.
Fans want to see more of Tess this season—what can they look forward to?
There's another episode coming up which is called "Eternal," directed by James Marshall. It's super Tess-heavy, probably the most I've ever been in an episode. I say more words than I've said the entire season, and Tess and Davis finally meet.
Davis Bloome or Doomsday?
Is she in danger?
Yeah, she gets bitch-slapped. She definitely presses buttons. She's out there; she's like f--k all, I want to know the truth.
It's nice to see a little love connection with Oliver and Tess as well.
We do have an interesting relationship. We haven't touched on the romance of that; I think their romantic relationship lives in a certain time, and it may live again, but right now she's trying to live her life without a man or a father figure or anyone telling her what she should or shouldn't do.
Is Lex really dead? Could he show up in the finale?
No one is ever really dead on Smallville, just like no one is ever really human.
They've taken to humanizing you, though.
I am one of the only humans on the show, really, or the only person who hasn't been affected by Kryptonite or Brainiac. I love that about Tess; when she's doing bad things, you're rooting for her, and then when something horrible happens to her, you kind of feel bad for her in a way.
The finale is still untitled, but do the writers have a plan now that they've been picked up for a ninth season?
They were doing "choose your own adventure." They were doing either a series finale or season finale. So now that we know that we're going another season, they've had to pull things over to a season finale.
The show is picked up for the ninth season, but are you?
I officially have not had the invite back, but I hope that I'm back. I think that it would be awesome to have Tess back. That scene when she's talking in the mirror to Lex and she shuts him off, that was really her turning point for me, because before she was this character that was always looking for Lex. She was really in the show to take on that role because Michael Rosenbaum left, and that's the moment she starts to build her own character.
Promise you will not die this season.
I hope not. If they don't bring me in [for the next season], I will promise you that I will storm into the production office, and there will be a beatdown until they put me in the show.
Should Tess Mercer come back for the ninth season? What do you make of the elusive Lionel Luthor diary? Hit the comments with your thoughts.Smallville airs Thursdays on the CW at 8 p.m.—Reporting by Natalie Abrams
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Project X
I am going to make ten movies, and the process is going pretty well right now, I have finished four of the ten movies, with the fourth one in the process of uploading, but I don't plan on doing it right now, here is the list of the names so far, that I'll make...
1. Dead Not Alive
2. The World War Betrayal
3. Alan Awakening
4. Time Passes
5. (COMING SOON; 0% Done)
6. (COMING SOON; 0% Done)
7. (TBA; 0% Done)
8. (TBD and TBA; 0% Done)
9. (TBD and TBA; 0% Done)
10. (TBD and TBA; 5% Done)
Fifth and sixth movie, I plan will be released, sometime on the weekend.
- Calvin
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Smallville Season Ten News: Its Possible!

Click Here for the article!
On the back of yesterday's announcement that The CW has renewed "Smallville" for a 9th season, the Superman Homepage did some digging to find out just who will be returning in Season 9.A source well positioned to know about these things told the Superman Homepage that at this point in a TV series Warner Bros. requires main cast members to sign a 2 year contract. Therefore Allison Mack (Chloe Sullivan), Aaron Ashmore (Jimmy Olsen) and Erica Durance (Lois Lane) were all signed on for a possible 9th season when they negotiated their contracts at the beginning of Season 8.
So, with Tom Welling's original contract having been for 8 seasons, his new contract (signed for season 9) would most likely also be a 2 year deal, meaning there could potentially be a season 10!
Fanfic Update!
More Than Friendship has been updated today with chapter 12. The fic is about the beautiful relationship between Kara Kent and Lois Lane.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Halloween 2 Site Officially Opens

As many horror fans know, the Halloween remake is getting a sequel, and I am excited for this one, the sequel will open in theatres, August 28th, 2009!
Official Site
- Calvin
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Heroes Season Four Happening

Heroes is currently in its third season and fourth volume, "Fugitives".
This is not an official confirmation, but it does seem like a good semi-confirmation, so I am taking this as, a true confirmation, although, you others should not, but I hope many fans are happy, cause I sure am, although, I'm not sure, I want a fifth season...
For more info, Click Here
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Reaper: Season Two Has Begun!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Short Saints Row 2 Review
NOTE: I am not the best with reviews so don't expect this to be a really awesome review.
It is fun cruising around in your car, truck or motorbike (Tip: Motorbikes help more when your in a Sh*tload of traffic or want to get around the cars easily). Even the missions can be enjoyable, because if you don't play them you probably are not going to get far in it. I have not completed the game yet. But so far the parts I have played have been really fun, but can sometimes be hard. Also you can get jobs driving a cab, taking people to the hospital in an ambulance, and you can even steal a car from the cops, but it isn't going to be the easiest task to get away with it. Also the cheats make it alot more fun when you do say, Low gravity, Drunk people and Driving in a UFO! But I haven't mastered that yet. Well this is where I end, with the review anyway, there are some cheats below.
Hints & Cheats: (Thanks to IGN)
You have to type the numbers into your cellphone, and you have to put a # before the numbers or they won't work.
- Add Gang Notoriety - 35
- Add Police Notoriety - 4
- Car Mass Hole - 2
- Full Health - 1
- Get $1,000 - 2274666399
- Heaven Bound - 12
- I Am Giant - 200
- Infinite Ammo - 11
- Infinite Sprint 6
- Itty Bitty - 201
- Milk Bones - 3
- Never Die - 36
- No Cop Notoriety - 50
- No Gang Notoriety - 51
- Player Pratfalls - 5
- Repair Vehicle - 1056
- Unlimited Clip - 9
- Clear Skies - 78669
- Heavy Rain - 78666
- Light Rain - 78668
- Normal Weather - 78670
- Overcast - 78665
- Wrath of God - 666
- Drunk Pedestrians - 15
- Evil Cars - 16
- Low Gravity – 18
- Midnight - 2400
- Noontime - 1200
- Pedestrian War - 20
- Shrink Everyone - 202
- Super Explosions - 7
- Super Saints - 8
- Destroy UFO - 728237
- Gyro Daddy Helicopter - 4976
- Peewee Mini-Bike - 7266837
- 12 Gauge - 920
- 44 Shepherd - 921
- AR200 - 922
- AR50 - 923
- AR50 Launcher - 924
- AS14 - 925
- Baseball Bat - 926
- Chainsaw - 927
- Fire Extinguisher - 928
- Flamethrower - 929
- Flashbang - 930
- GAL43 - 931
- GDHC - 932
- Grenade - 933
- Holt 55 - 934
- K6 Krukov - 935
- Knife - 936
- Machete - 937
- McManus2010 - 938
- Minigun - 939
- Molotov - 940
- Nightstick - 941
- NR4 - 942
- Pepper Spray - 943
- Pimp Cane - 944
- Pimp Slap - 969
- Pipe Bomb - 945
- RPG - 946
- RPG Annihilator - 947
- Samurai Sword - 948
- Satchel - 949
- Shock Paddles - 950
- SKR-9 - 951
- Sledgehammer - 952
- Stungun - 953
- T3K Urban - 954
- Tire Iron - 955
- Tombstone - 956
- Vice 9 - 957
- XS-2 - 958
Smallville 8-15 Episode Promotional Pictures

You can find them by Clicking Here.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Game of The Month: January and February 2009

For these picks, they were kinda easy.
Skate 2:
The gameplay is solid, and I enjoyed it more than any other game from that month, although, it could have been better, I think.
Street Fighter IV
The artwork itself was awesome, and the gameplay was amazing, as well as the graphics, what I loved most was that they kept the feel of the original games, although I would have liked to see "parry" in the game.
That is is the end of this GOTM edition.
In March, their will be one game for sure that will be a top contender for GOTM.
The Game Of The Year Award: 2008

And remember, this is games, I'VE played, not what others played, so their might be some games that I missed that you think are SUPER good, but I don't have them, cause I DIDN'T play them.
Anyways, and 2008's Game Of The Year is:
TOP 10 OF 2008:
10. God of War: Chains of Olympus
9. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
8. Call of Duty: World at War
7. Prince of Persia
6. LittleBigPlanet
5. Fallout 3
4. Grand Theft Auto 4
3. Saints Row 2
2. NHL 09
1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
See you at the 2009 GOTY Awards Edition!
- Calvin
Another Reason To Love FPS + GOTY 2009 Info

Killzone 2 is another reason why you should love First-Person Shooters, the graphics, gameplay and story is to die for, but mainly the graphics, its just TOO good, plain and simple.
I plan on getting this soon, so I can jam with my friends, but from the demo, it simply plays like a true Game of the Year game, it has the potential to be one too, for 2009, their is quite a few more games to be released during the year, and those will be a sure contender for GOTW, but from what I've played since 2009, it looks like Killzone 2 has taken an early lead in the GOTW department.
I suggest you pick this up, don't worry, you won't worry, you won't regret it.
Oh yeah, one thing left to say before I end this entry:
The Game Of The Year Award 2009 will take place: Dec 2009 - Jan 2010
It will not cover all the genres, but the genres, I have played, like... Action Adventure, Sport Game and a few others.
Until than, I will wait for the games, I am anticipating for 2009, like inFamous, Prototype, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Alpha Protocol and a heck load of more games.
- Calvin
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Speedy Sunday Review: Spider-Man 2

The sequel to the original Spider-Man, this game is based off of the real, Spider-Man 2 movie.
Presentation: 8.5
For a comic book, movie based, PS2 game, this is pretty good.
Graphics: 7.5
Not the best looking PS2 game though.
Sound: 6.0
It was annoying, thats all I'm going to say.
Gameplay: 9.0
I enjoyed swinging and fighting.
Last Appeal: 8.0
Once finished the game, their is quite a few stuff to do, although, it would have been nice to see an online mode.
8.5 / 10
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Bye To February 2009, Hello To March 2009
Hope everyone has a great month.
Fantastic Four 3?

Well there is an article I found saying there maybe a Fantastic Four 3:
Click Here
We may see some Franklin Reeds! :)
Smallville Video Game?
THB Banner: Version One!
Another PSP God of War?

Well, apparently, their could be, from this story, and I am personally excited, the first GOW (God of War: Chains of Olympus) for the PSP was amazing, I still play it till this day, maybe not regularly, but once and awhile, because its that good, and if their is another GOW PSP game, I'll be happy to collect it with my money.
HYPE METER: (Bolded exclamation mark
are the number of excitement, its out of ten)
- Purple
- Red
- Pink
- Orange
- Tan
- Yellow
- Green
- Dark Green
- Dark Blue
- Blue
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Since it is a rumor, well, at least for now.
Transformers 2: Rise of the Fallen
Friday, February 27, 2009
Video Games are good for the Mind
Well, actually, I'm not sure if it does, but video games are real fun, I would laugh if I heard someone say they don't like video games, I would laugh right at their face, maybe drool from laughter, but thats how hard I would laugh.
Thats how much I love games.
Seriously, if you haven't played any video games ever, or recently, get on it!
- Calvin
Welcome to the Heroic Bloggers
-Matt (Description thanks to Calvin)